By Dennis Overbye 8.7.2001
These would seem to be heady times to be a computer scientist. This is the information age, in which, we are told, biology is defined by a three-billion-letter instruction manual called the genome and human thoughts are analogous to digital bits flowing through a computer. And, we are warned, human intellect will soon be dwarfed by superintelligent machines.
"...people are always asking what his story is..."
By Michael Wolff 3.13.2000
At TED, the new-media version of a Mafia wedding, you rub elbows with the ons and capos of the Internet world and become an instant member of the family.
By Jochen Wegner 10.8.2001
John Brockman helps scientists acquire million-dollar book contracts — and networks them into the "Third Culture."
Science Times
By Chris Allbritton & Sara Nelson 3.20.2001
Jason Epstein, Richard Curtis and John Brockman were once wunderkinder, but today—with a combined age of 200—they're the wundermenschen of the brave new book world.
"John Brockman is the agent who made top scientists sexy - and he loathes the ignorant literary world."
By Marek Kohn 3.25.2000
If you didn't know who he was, you might take Brockman for a professor on the high plateau of his career. But this is a man legendary for forcing a publishing culture with its spiritual home in Bloomsbury to do business the Wall Street way.
By Jörg Blech & Johann Grolle 2.21.2000
The New York literary agent John Brockman on the business of books about science and scientists who as writers become stars.
By Sharon Begley 1.11.2000
Was the light bulb more important than the pill? An online gathering of scientists nominates the most important inventions of the past 2,000 years. Some of their choices might surprise you.